Review by Rakesh Khanna

Sanjiv Lal, a Baby Boomer has published a fascinating account of his extraordinary life – the kind of life that would be the envy of most Millennials! The author, a self-confessed “ordinary student” (who studied at Lawrence School Sanawar and St. Xavier’s college), appears to have lived many lives in just one.

He appears to have experienced the ‘navras’ of life in its rawest expression. And, lived to tell the tale. Sanjiv is a natural raconteur. He charts his amazing, myriad life story with honesty, humor and a great eye for detail. To paraphrase the view of one of his reviewers: This is a colorful, rambunctious, and lively account…and the intrigue factor remains intact till the end. Sanjiv’s fate, volition and passion for life take him hopscotching all over the world – Shimla hills, Kolkata, Tehran, Moscow, Stockholm, Norway, Copenhagen, London, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Munich, Zurich, Hamburg, Geneva, Madrid, Singapore, Hong Kong, Auckland, Dublin, Rome, Perth, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ranchi, and Goa. His life’s journey is action-packed, and life changing. His life exemplifies his old school motto, “Never Give In”, and could well serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to many a young person starting out in life.