Review by Shreeya Agrawal

Very inspirational story

This book is an autobiography of the author itself, here he represented the story of an ordinary Indian man’s struggle to win the circumstances of life. Every emotion of the author is very well narrated it includes fun, laughter, pain, loss of his father, struggle and ultimately how he found the success.

It is an inspirational story full of lessons He learned from his life. The story travels from his school days where the author was a C grade student, between the school days only he lost his father. He completed his studies in Calcutta at St. Xavier’s college in the course of political science. And after completing his studies the main struggle in the life started, It was to get a job. He also went to Tehran in Iran in search of job. and his struggle continued.

You should read the book to know the struggles he faced and how he ultimately leaded to success.

The language of the book is very simple and clear to understand. The writing style of the author is straightforward and he explained every moment of his life very perfectly. Enjoyed reading the book.